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A Night to Die For
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Author : Lisa Schroeder
Title : A Night to Die For
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The Night Of meets Carrie when a boy finds a girl's body in the ditch on prom night...and becomes the primary suspect in her murder.All Mario wants is one normal night before he graduates. He's spent most of high school riding solo and gaming with his only friend, Lucas. But when his mom asks him to take Elana Dexter to the prom as a favor to her father, his mother?s boss, he figures this might be his chance to be less of a loner. Only, the night takes a turn quickly. First, Mario gets crowned Prom King alongside the school?s it-girl, Maribelle Starr. Which is weird enough. But what?s weirder is that when they put the crown on his head, hundreds of worms slither out of it and all over Mario. Just when Mario thought the night couldn?t get any worse, he sees something on the side of the road while driving Elana home. That something is Prom Queen Maribelle Starr?murdered and left for dead. All Mario wanted was to go to prom...but somehow, he ended up in hell. Underlined is a line of
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